Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Good vs. Evil


So I just spent the evening in a state of Techno-Geek and Mommy bliss.. Our IT guy at work is The Bomb.. First we find out we have several mutual friends.. Next we bond over my iPod.. Then he arranges for me to have the SmartPhone during my trip to Romania.. And today he arranged for me to have a smart phone of my very own.. I am the proud owner of a PalmOne Treo 600.. It's pretty frikkin' sweet.. This update will be pretty short because I have to get back to figuring all the cool stuff it can do out..

Next my Mom and I took a break as Xanderpotomus was insistent that we have a tea party.. My mom made the crack that in the South we wore a hat and gloves to a tea-party.. Next thing we know we're sitting cross-legged in the middle of the floor of X's bedroom surrounded by about 20 animals with my son wearing mittens and a toboggen while pretending to feed popcorn to inanimate objects.. Yeah.. I had boys.. I signed on for farts, mudpies, live frogs in their pockets and other assorted little boy things.. Sitting down and having a tea party with my son while he looks like Mini-Me in gansta' gear was not in the contract.. I know, I'm kidding.. It was one of those delightfully precious parenting moments that makes me feel good and wholesome..

Unlike Halloween...


We assembled at the Home for Wayward Vixens around 10:00 to get dressed.. Even though I was not going to be staying there overnight, I felt a need to get dressed away from my parents.. I can't imagine why.. This is the fruits of our labor:

"May I take your tempereature?? Why, you're burning up!!"

The Devil went down to Raleigh... She was lookin' for a soul to steal..

Piece of candy, go for a ride, Mister???

A big thanks to J.D. for tons of pictures.. Between these and the pics of AJ's birthday (and me and Dani's birthday last year, and the block party in Cary, and all the other pictures floating around on the web) I think I can safely rule out a career in politics..

Overall, a lovely tame night (at least for me it was).. I hit the pub to meet up with Good Will Hunting for a few drinks and costume watching.. I was studiously avoiding The Dive Bar as that's where Frat Boy Wanna Be was hanging out. He's not getting the whole "throwing you out of my house means I don't love you" kind of vibe I've been putting out.. I received no less than 3 drunken "Where are you?? Come up and hang out, girl!" phone calls.. Yeesh.. It may be time to develop a sudden case of Boyfriend.. Or possibly cholera or some similarly virulent contagen that will get him to back off.. I contemplated hitting The Pour House as I was told The Pope was going to be there and I was thinking of going to seek forgiveness at some point.. I kind of hate I missed it.. It turns out Alex won first place in the costume contest for his Groundskeeper Willie costume.. Basically it involved him wearing his kilt and glueing red fur on his face and eyebrows.. You know, that man has gotten more wear out of his wedding dress than anyone I've ever known.. Our marriage may not have lasted, but the memory lives on with every Halloween.. I asked him to send me pictures so I can share the glory.. My only other stop for the night was Sullivan's for a drink or two with Special Agent Smart Ass and some of his friends.. Ever the gentleman, he spared me the $20 cab fare and squired me home.. He only charged me $18.. What a bargain.. Out the door before one and in bed with the wee ones before two.. You gotta admit, compared to years past, that's a damn quiet night for us..

Have a good one, Gang..


At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like THAT boy needs his temp taken...Or, perhappy a free magnum??? MEOW.


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