Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Code Words and Kansas

Week 2 into the new job and I still don’t have access to the main system that I need to do any work.. Additionally, they are moving our team to a new location on Friday so I have to “work from home”.. This is amusing as I don’t have any work to do at the office, so being at home should at pretty much provide me only with greater opportunities for distraction.. I was contemplating working from the pub, as they have Wi-Fi.. I was wondering how much of a slack-ass loser that made me until Ken, my beloved co-worker, came by and asked if I knew of any bars with Wi-Fi that also had “Golden Tee”.. He’s looking for a place to work that not only has beer, but also has golfing video games.. He’s remains my hero.. The up-side of this move is I get to go back downtown for lunch a lot sooner than I thought.. Buck and Rene? Looking forward to it.. The Lunch Bunch rides again.. I get to see Rene fairly frequently with Usual Suspect gatherings and Family Night with the kids, but I miss me some Buck...

Busy weekend ahead.. Post work drinks with Emmaus Donna on Friday (I think we have to change your nickname, sweetie.. Talking about drinks and Emmaus at the same time just seems wrong) followed by a Gathering of The Vixens at the Cary Pub (no male Suspects invited), Purse Party, The Sequel on Saturday and then my fundraiser / Dad’s concert on Sunday.. Hope to see everyone there..

Code Words and The Secret Language of The Usual Suspects

So last weekend, after dinner at Bogart’s, AJ and I were regaling Good Will Hunting and Friendster Brad with various tales from The Usual Suspects story vault.. We kept having to stop and explain who various people were because we have all gotten in the habit of referring to folks in conversation by their Blog Names.. GWH is former military, 6 months out of Iraq and suggested that based on our elaborate system of code words, non-verbal cues and secret language, we could go to work for the military.. But only if the military ever wanted to stage a coup on an Irish pub or Bush made it a goal to wreck the social standing of Bin Laden within the Glenwood South area.. Wow.. Feel the power.. Or lack therof.. Anyhow, we started thinking about it and we do in fact have a large number of code names.. Maybe one day I’ll actually bang out a “The Usual Suspects” guide, complete with bio, codename and it’s origin.. Now that would make for some fun reading.. This topic also came up with Emmaus Donna (yep, definitely have to change that, babe…) and she asked why I didn’t have a nickname.. My answer is that I assign the nicknames so I don’t need one.. Nicknames don’t stick with me for some reason..

More Classic Kansas Dialogue

Our beloved Kansas has headed to India for 2 weeks to “commune with my people”.. This is a little disconcerting as he is New York Italian but, hey, to each his own.. I suspect it’s a work related trip.. We did caution him against going all Alanis on us.. If he comes back chanting and at peace with his balanced chakras we will be convening an intervention at a hockey game to help him reclaim his inner asshole..

Anyhow, being the total Mommy that I am, I told him to shoot me an email when he arrived so I would know he got there safe.. I was really hoping for a simple one liner but instead, I got the following:

Things are okay here. I met the Kung Fu man himself, David Carradine, in Germany. As you know, I'm not the type to ask for autographs but we did battle the evil forces of the secret Lufthansa ninjas in an effort to prevent them from making off with the sacred honey roasted peanuts. Alas their forces were many and they did indeed capture the coveted nuts. But ha ha this was our plan all along for the nuts were stale and of little value. By distracting our foes with the snacks of no significance we were able to safeguard the truly priceless short and twisty pretzel sticks. And so with the salty substances forever safe, I and the ever elusive Carradine parted ways...each destined to walk the earth in search of other evil doers whose plots, if left unchecked, might spoil the righteous and ever altruistic existence of snacks foods everywhere.

Hope all is well

I thought I would bust something trying not to laugh out loud in my quiet little cube.. I wish there were words to appropriately describe Kansas.. There just aren’t.. There’s no describing Kansas, you just have to experience him..

Have a good one, Gang..


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