Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Employment (Thank you, God and Ken!!) and Miscellany

Yes, Gang, after over 5 months of "unplanned downtime" (being unemployed, laid off, shitcanned, fired, dumped, 86ed, etc..) I am re-entering the ranks of the gainfully, blissfully, deliriously happily EMPLOYED.. I will be working through a consulting company called Trianz at Cisco.. Sadly this means an end to Vic's, Big Ed's, Angelo's, Brass Grill, Duck and Dumpling, *insert dramatic weeping here* but it also means a whole passel of new possible lunch buddies emerges.. (Kansas, Jen, my Mom, etc..) I am really very excited about the job, as it also gets me out of the credit and risk analysis rut and into a great company with a fantastic corporate culture.. That was, hands down, the big selling point for me.. No more being bitch-slapped and penalized for being a single mother.. "Progress", my ass... It's the only company to ever make me feel guilty for taking time off to care for sick children.. Pricks..

Downtown people, look for me to attempt to cram in a few last lunches before I make the daily trek out to RTP hell..

Before I go any further, let me say a HUGE word of thanks to my personal hero, the wind beneath my wings, the light of my life and now my beloved co-worker, Ken, (pictured to the left) who forwarded my resume on to the company with some very kind words about me and provided an excellent internal recommendation that paved the way for me to get in the door.. He actually told them I was "very sharp"... Boy, do I have him snowed or what?? Not only did he give me a glowing recommendation, but he also pushed to get me into the opening on his team I wanted..

I've said it before and I'll say it again some of the greatest people I know and some of the best friends I have are one's I have met out on the town (Dani, Thomas, Kansas, Brother Wade, S.A.S.H., Michelle, The Pub Gang, etc.. The list goes on..) and Ken is no exception.. Who knew stopping by Hi5 for a drink with a friend of mine back in 2003 would have such an impact over 2 years later??. I've pretty much lost touch with the original people who introduced us, but we've always stayed in contact.. I know he won't take me up on the offer of my firstborn and no one is crazy enough to take the second one, so I guess I'll just have to repay him with sincere gratitude, a great dinner and many, many drinks... Seriously, sweetie, you're my hero and I am looking forward to working together..

As promised here are some pics with me and the kids... Not too clear but you can kind of make out the grass skirt and lei's in them..

Not too much going on this weekend, as far as I know.. We're having Ladies Night at the Home for Wayward Vixen's on Thursday, complete with take out from PF Changs and DVD's.. Friday is a Buffy Reunion Gathering, with me, AJ, Merritt and Big Brother assemblng to have munchables and watch our favorite Buffy Episodes (Fool for Love, Tabula Rasa, The Musical, etc..).. It's been probably 2 1/2 years since we all got together to watch episodes and munch.. I can't wait.. I will be whipping out my alter ego, Martha Stewart of the UnDead.. I know, I know, we're a bunch of freaks..

As far as live music goes this weekend, there's Sleeping Booty at the Cary Pub and Soul Patch at RiRa's.. I doubt I'll make it to either, but it's an FYI, just in case anyone is desperate for a fix..

I have word, finally on our next big live music weekend: September 9 and 10th.. Uphonik on the 10th and The Complaint's on the 9th, both at RiRa's.. I'm sure the Suspects be there both nights with bells on and boogie shoes laced..

Have a good one, Gang!


At 4:31 PM, Blogger Sunshine said...

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS on the new job! You deserve it. I knew when your social calendar was full of interviews that a new job was looming on the horizon. Enjoy your remaining days of freedom. You'll miss them when you start punching the clock again. I sure did!


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