Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Good times, my friends... Good Times..

You know, for a Monday, it was pretty damn great.. I did my weekly lunch with Rene and Buck (The New Guy) downtown at Vic's.. Great Italian food and great companionship.. No topic of conversation is off limits which means it usually is a pretty off-color lunch.. Buck has been a great addition to the mix.. Post lunch, we did the requisite Moore Square lap (Raynor, that was a great tradition we started..) and ran into Special Agent Smart Ass (hope you don't mind, "Shit Head" just doesn't fit) and then I went shoe shopping.. If I could have thrown in a slice of cheesecake, it would have been the perfect start to the week..

And then there was the evening..

You gotta love the impromptu gathering of friends.. It started out with Dani and I hanging out on the patio, talking about boys, as usual.. We then pestered AJ until she ditched out of work a bit early to join us for serious girl time.. It could have been a scripted episode of Sex and the City, or a very racy version of Saved by the Bell.. We then ganged up on Big Brother and nagged him into cancelling out of a date ("She's 26.. We're pulling rank on her..") and joining us.. Then AJ invited Not-My-Paul to come and join the entourage and we topped it off by calling up our next door neighbor and convincing him to come hang out and to bring a few beers as well.. Five hours of fun and friendship.. We had a fabulous time, one of those wonderful evenings where the summer breeze carried laughter through the air all night.. We looked like an older version of an Abercrombie ad.. Not the naked kind though.. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love my friends..

Classic lines from the day:

You really don't want to bat after that.. (Buck)
If you want to see a good band, check out Alabama Thunder Pussy.. (Rene)
Talk about Meet an Inmate.. (Dani)
Everybody looks like a Muppet (AJ)
Saturday night, bring on the hottness.. (AJ)
You did the flip.. Which is much less tacky than the roommate switch.. (Me)
Stunt cock? I'm sure I can fit that in.. Wait, that did not come out right.. (Me)
I'm a delicate fuckin' flower, yo, now make me some more brownies, bitch.. (AJ)

I'm looking forward to the rest of the week.. If that was Monday, I think it bodes well for the remainder..


At 1:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is up with the "she's only 26" comment?? Unfair . . .my feelings have been bruised beyond repair:)


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