Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Random Suspect Updates

Items of note:

Congrats to Brad and Sandra on the birth of Jake.. I received some pics and video of him yesterday and he's absolutely adorable.. Who would have ever thought one of the Fizz boys would be a Daddy?? The First Former Fizz Father.. Kinda scary, actually..

Further Good News.. Our very own Michelle, beloved former Usual Suspect who callously left us all to pursue Happily Ever After in Denver, CO, will be coming back for a visit next week, starting Wednesday.. I'm sure that we will be assembling a Happy Hour in her honor one of those nights so keep an eye out for the update..

Second, bad news on the music front.. It appears that we're in for a long wait for another good band night.. According to websites, it appears that it will be at least September before we see The Complaints or Uphonik. It's gonne be a long, hot summer..


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