Sunday, July 10, 2005

Weekend Wrap-Up - July 10th

I'm having one of those lovely, lazy Sunday nights.. Sitting at my computer, listening to my boys splashing in the tub, Bruce Sprinsgsteen playing in the background.. Right now, I just feel like all is right with the world.. I love the way songs speak to me, the way certain ones just touch my soul.. I'm currently working on my personal soundtrack.. Ever done that? Sit down and create a soundtrack to your life.. All the songs that have meaning to your life.. Once I finish mine, I'll post it.. I can't remember who I was talking to but I remember being asked what makes you love a song more, the music or the lyrics?? For me it's a combination of both, but I am more lyrically driven.. Sometimes it's just a single line in a song that does it for me.. Right now, I'm transported to the past by Thunder Road and that last line: "It's a town full of losers and I'm pulling out of here to win..".. God, how that line is my dream..

But onto the weekend...

Friday was a nice, quiet evening home with the kids watching Scooby Doo for the 937th time.. Saturday was spent cleaning house and taking the kids to the bookstore.. I got the new Nick Hornby novel (A Long Way Down, about 4 suicidals that run into each other at the top of a building) as well as Fried Green Tomaotes (a beautiful tale of life during the Depression that bears no resemblence to that cheezy ass chick flick) and Something Borrowed (a novel that unflinchingly explores the reality of complicated relationships).. I spent the better part of the weekend with my head buried in a book.. Oh yeah, I got the kids some books too..

Saturday night, Kansas and I made an impromptu excursion to grab a drink before he heads out of town for a week.. We both wanted to skip downtown so we started at Gino Russo's.. With no place to sit and the band already started, we decided to move on to O'Malley's, the next closest bar.. Holy Moly.. I've only been there once but apparently I was there on a "good" night.. As we walk in there is "Friends in Low Places" blaring out of the jukebox and a little group of drunkards arm in arm swaying and singing along at the top of their lungs.. He looked at me and said "You're fuckin' kidding me, right?".. My reply? Welcome to North Carolina, Kansas.. I had always associated inbreeding with West Virginia until last night.. By the time we'd had 2 beers the hillbillies at the bar had 7 rounds of shots and then the "Yeeeeeehaaaaawww"s started.. So we finished up and called it a night at about 11:00.. I think Kansas was picturing something out of Deliverance by that time.. Oh yeah, wild times, wild times.. Now, this would have been just a night at a lousy bar except as we were walking out to the car, this one particularly loud and obnoxious redneck was actually urinating up against the building, right outside the door while being help upright by his girlfriend.. That's the kind of classy behaviour ususally reserved for a Jimmy Buffet concert.. This would be why I like sticking to my pubs so much.. I have yet to see anyone pissing on the streets of Glenwood South..

Sunday saw Alex and I taking Z-man to see Fantastic Four.. I thought it was a pretty frikkin good movie, even if the critics panned it.. It was a typical action adventure, superhero movie, nothing overly spectacular but certainly entertaining.. I put it on par with X-Men, to be honest.. Frankly, I felt it had a little something for the whole family.. Superhero's for the kids, Jessica Alba in spandex for the men and the hotness that was Johnny Storm for the ladies.. Flame on, indeed..

Big week ahead for the Suspects... We've got dinner w/ AJ and Big Brother, dinner with Rene and Jen, Michelle arrives for her visit Wednesday (Can't wait, babe!!), The Breakfast Club at Alive After 5 on Thursday, Crush at RiRa's on Friday and Violent Femmes at Moore Square on Saturday.. Whew.. I'm tired already.. Hopefully I'll have some good news on the job front soon.. Stay tuned for more details..

Have a good one, Gang..


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