Friday, July 15, 2005


Pimp My Bed

When I moved in with AJ, I had to outfit my new bed.. I bought high thread count sheets, a feather bed, smushy feather pillows and a micro-suede down filled comforter.. As much time as is typically spent in bed (sleeping, watching DVD's, random indoor sports), you should insist on only the best..

Flash forward to a Sunday morning where I'm being lazy and watching a movie in bed.. AJ wakes up and asks if she can join me, I say sure, climb on in.. This is the point in the story where Kansas always asks if I had the presence of mind to take pictures.. The answer is no.. Anyways, we're watching the movie for about 20 seonds before AJ notices the superior comfort of my bed.. Next thing I know, we're up and out the door headed to the store to outfit her bed in blissful down filled delight.. This excursion became known as "Pimping her bed".. Flash forward another day when Dani is over and we recount the Bed Pimping incident.. She immediately gets up and goes to roll around on my bed (again, no pictures) and then asks me to pimp her bed..

To date, there are 5 pimped out beds and a request for another just came in last night (Don't sweat it Big Brother, we'll hook you up with a manly bed pimpin').. As I am still technically not working, I am officially offering my services as a Professional Bed Pimp.. Cocktails required..

The Manitorium

Since the "I delcare a memorial on all John's" conversation, we have been mis-using the word memorial rather haphazardly.. We like to think we will singlehandedly shift the definition of "memorial" in the Oxford Dictionary, but let's face it, we probably don't have that kind of vocabulary power. Yet.

Given the collective trainwreck of dating disasters and relationship ruinations and that we ladies have endured in the recent months (of which Flypaper was just one of many, many soul crushing, albeit hysterical occurances we have had.. OK, mainly me, but then again, I actually embarked on a mission to have 17 Bad Dates in a 30 day period, to see if it could be done, so I may have only myself to blame) our belief in true love, romance or just dates that don't end with charges being filed, has dimmed.. The other night I proposed that we take a "Manitorium".. A memorial from men.. I proposed a 6 week no-man / no-fly zone for us, with the general logic being that we could all use a break and perhaps rotate in a whole new crop of freaks without a circus for us to date.. At the very least, a whole new batch of men should be up for parole by then.. Actually, does anyone know when they are officially closing down Dorthea Dix? I hear they plan to release most of the residents into the general population.. Our dating pool is already low on chlorine, I can't imagine that's going to help matters..

Needless to say, AJ and Dani were not enthusiastic about the prospect.. I guess I'm going to go it alone.. 6 weeks (target end date of August 31) without dating.. I am going to be one cranky wench come late August.. I'm just hoping AJ will attribute the sharp increase in our power bill to the summer heat..

And You Thought I Was Twisted?

After another lunch spent in epicurean bliss at Big Ed's, Chris and I headed to White Rabbit, downtown Raleigh's fabulous gay bookstore (not to be confused with the Square Rabbit, a sandwich shop of indiscrinimate sexual orientation).. I went nuts and bought $40 worth of MikWright merchandise.. If I lived in Charlotte, I would beg these guys to hire me.. As my birthday is rapidly approaching (29 The Movie, Part V), if anyone is looking for that special something for me, you just can't go wrong with something from these guys.. Or Tiffany's, depending on your budget..

Below are a few of my favorite cards..

Recently Single?

I think they had me in mind.

The only way to break up with someone...

Hope to see all The Usual Suspects out at Violent Femmes tomorrow night.. They go on at 8:45..

Have a good one, Gang..


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