Monday, July 25, 2005

Weekend Wrap-Up - July 25th

I'm happy to report there isn't a whole lot to report this fine and fabulous Monday.. My weekend was spent blissfully under the radar and chock full of R&R and family fun..

Friday I spent the whole day with my sister getting ready for my nephew Bailey's 1st birthday party.. After 7 hours of running errands with her 2 boys, picking up and playing with my 2 boys, I was knackered and in bed before 10.. Heaven..

Saturday my family was paid a visit by Princess Hadley and her mom, my oldest and dearest friend, Ang-A-La.. Sweetie, do you realize we've known each other for almost 23 years? Good googily moogily.. Every time I see anything with E.T. on it, I thank God (and Steven Spielberg) we sat next to each other in that assembly and mocked that poor woman's ugly baby.... Thankfully, God didn't hold our youthful shenanigans against us as we are both blessed with beautiful children.. After a lovely visit, Mom and I headed out to Wake Forest for the hootenanny cavalcade of kidling fun..

The theme was a Hawiian Luau.. Hopefully I will have some pics of me in my grass skirt and lei posted soon.. Oh yeah, I was a fashion Goddess.. Some perverted 3 year old kept pulling my skirt apart to see what was underneath it (shorts, thankyouverymuch).. The kids played in sprinklers and a "cold tub" (hot tub, without the heat).. There were water balloon fights and a toddler slip-n-slide for fun as well.. By the time we were all done with the kids, everyone left and we cleaned up, it was 7:30.. Got the kids to bed by 9:00 and followed shortly after.. Exhausted is an understatement of biblical proportions..

Sunday was pretty tame, church, naps, a trip to the bookstore, dinner and then a movie.. It would have been completely tame except for the temper tantrum Xander threw during communion, complete with him trying to chuck the communion wafer back at the priest.. Here's a little tidbit I didn't know.. Only Catholic priests can perform exorcisms, not Episcopalians.. Yep, I asked.. I think I got the deacon in trouble because he started laughing, which is apparently in poor taste when sharing the sacraments of the body and blood of the Lord.. Whoops, my bad..

Saw Bad News Bears on Sunday night.. It's pretty funny.. It is reminiscnet of Bad Santa but not nearly as offensive or sexually graphic.. The scene with the kids singing along to Eric Clapton's "Cocaine" at Hooters is worth the ticket price alone..

Looking forward to another low key week.. Team Single is taking a hiatus from group outings this week as AJ, our starting pitcher, has switched teams and is apparently now in the line-up for Team We're So In Love And Sweet We're Going To Send Everyone Into Insulin Shock. Just teasing, Sweetie.. I hope things continue to bossom for you and Not-My-Paul. I think Dani and I are going to try to stick indoors and enjoy some downtime.. I'm hoping for several nights of movies, reading and maybe I'll even do a spot of cooking.. RichEllis? Kansas? Merritt? Big Brother? Ken? Any other assorted Suspects? I'm issuing an open invite to anyone from The List who feels like joining in a non-pub night of movies and epicurean delights.. C'mon, Rich.. You know you miss my cooking..

Have a Good One, Gang..


At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm hungry. What's for dinner?

At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hadley and I had such a wonderful visit with you all on Saturday! 23 we're old:) I can't believe its been that long. And funny you should mention the E.T. baby, I thought about that when I was pregnant and prayed Hadley would not be an alien newborn!

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Sunshine said...

Oh yeah, and so much for that little "hiatus" from Team Single. "Not-My-Paul" turned out to be not-MY-Paul either. What a schmuck! Should have gone with the first instinct I had when I saw him up close... RUN!
Oh well, maybe since my frog quota is unspeakably high, don't you think I'm about due for Prince Charming? I'll settle for Prince Valiant... minus the dutch-boy haircut.

"I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he?"
- Charlotte "Sex and the City"


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