Monday, July 18, 2005

Weekend Wrap-Up - July 18

Not bad, not bad..

Thursday night saw the ladies assembling for an accessories party at our place.. I busted out the Betty Crocker alter ego and made my famous sausage balls, mini-pecan pies and turtle brownies.. Dani broughtsome kind of cream cheese and scallion spread on mini baguettes.. AJ whipped up a couple of pitchers of Sangria, which we originally said was Spanish for "cheap hooch".. Later, after we'd knocked back a large quanity of the hooch, we decided it was actually Spanish for "crack".. Lethal and dangerous, it's a terrible idea, but you just can't help yourself..

It was a lovely time..

Friday saw the girlies, including our beloved Michelle, plus Big Brother and English Simon doing dinner at the pub and darts at RiRa's and home before midnight.. We ladies were up early on Saturday to do breakfast at Courtney's and then a quick trip to Borders to pick up the latest Harry Potter "The Half Blood Prince".. 652 pages and I finished it in 6 hours.. Poor AJ, she didn't know what she was in for.. I planted myself on the couch and did not move or speak to anyone from the minute I opened the book.. If any of you are fans, let me assure you, this book is one of the best in the series.. It's filled with answers to questions we've been looking for since Sorcerer's Stone.. There is a major character loss which is heartbreaking.. It was a great read and will make the wait for the final book unbearable..

Saturday night saw us headed downtown for the Violent Femmes.. We started off really excited about the show.. And then we arrived.. It was just entirely too crowded, filled with the great unwashed masses.. Hippies reeking of patchouli and rednecks reeking of cheap beer. There was an hour wait to get beer tickets and then an hour wait to get beer.. We left about 10 minutes after arriving.. It was just too much in too small a space.. I don't think the organizers really think these things out.. They don't limit the headcount and it just was too damn hot and crowded.. Oh well.. we ended up hanging out with the Usual Suspects and having a good time.. Sunday was spent doing a Sex and the City marathon on the couch..

Not much the week, I'll be in with the kids all week, doing some more reading, playing, and starting to make plans for my trip.. Dead Like Me, Season 2 comes out tomorrow.. I'll probably be hunkered down for the majority of the week watching it.. The decision not to renew the show was Showtime's biggest screw-up.. That was probably one of the smartest and sharpest shows out there..

Nothing big for the weekend.. I'm taking a bit of a break and will probably be MIA from Glenwood South for a while.. Going to start focusing on preparing myself spiritually, emotionally and physically for my upcomming trip to Romania.. I should be setting my trip dates soon and will let everyone know when they are set.. Additionally, my major fundraiser will be coming up in August and once I have those details, I will be passing those along as well..

Have a good one, Gang..


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