Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Flotsam and Jetsam..

Just a few random tidbits to occupy my time..

First, another little gem from Merritt.. This was the end quip from a very long email updating me on Mom's chemo (which is going well).. Typically, you don't get much humor in cancer emails but, true to her character, Merritt always looks on the smart ass side of things.. Even in the midst of her turmoil she manages to find the humor in life:

The adventure started early yesterday morning with a homeless guy crossing the street in front of me and then crumpling to the sidewalk. He insisted he was ok, but I called 911 anyhow. I wasn’t going to clasp him to my bosom, but I could aim help in the correct direction. Maybe this makes me a neutral Samaritan?

She is the Queen of One Liners, I swear...

Had another Farewell Lunch today, this time at Vic's with Special Agent Smart Ass.. When The Rambling Redhead came up in conversation he said if I wrote about him he would never speak to me again, I'd be in big trouble, criminal charges, spankings, blah, blah, bliddy blah... Typically most people wouldn't want to piss off a man with government issue handcuffs but I like to flirt with disaster.. Interestingly enough, it tends to flirt back.. What can I say? I'm one of those people that the more you tell me not to do something, the more it appeals to me.. It's that spark of rebellious teenager in me that just won't grow up..

Overall it was typical of our lunches, a scathing battle of the wits with one liners and sharp retorts thrown back and forth (final score Jenn 53 - S.A. Smart Ass 16, at least by my tally).. By the way, "Sweetie", I found something that might have come in handy today.. The Gaydar Quiz (Thanks, Rich for this timely submission..).. I scored a 45% and am apparently much better at spotting gay women so I may have been wrong about that guy..

Tomorrow's round up is Big Ed's and then the Art Museum with my sister.. Mmmm, chicken and dumplings, biscuits, fresh veggies and sweet tea.. How is it possible to be hungry again?

Next week, Saturday night, Dani and I will be trying to organize dinner out on the town to celebrate our birthday.. If anyone is interested in joining us, let me know.. If you have access to this, you're invited..

Have a good one, Gang..


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