Monday, August 01, 2005

Weekend Wrap-Up - August 1

Lovely weekend.. A great mix of down time and friend time.. Friday night was Buffilicious.. Merritt and I had a great night watching our favorite Buffy eppys.. Kansas joined us for dinner and 3/4ths of an episode before he announced he just couldn't take it anymore.. Wimp.. Of course in his defense, I guess we shouldn't have started him off on The Musical episode.. That's one you should work up to.. Of course the fact that we were able to sing (and dance) along with the songs probably did little to ease his discomfort.. 3 episodes later we called it a night.. Shortly after she left, our Neighbor Guy popped over to hang out and have a few beers.. Another impromptu gathering at the Home for Wayward Vixens ensued.. All in all, a pretty good night..

Saturday was spent being pretty lazy, hanging out watching more Buffy (it was a big ol' Vampapalooza kind of weekend) til around 8:00.. Then AJ and I finally got off our lazy tushes and got hottied up for our night downtown.. We met up with Kansas and Marco and did a quick round at the pub and then headed down to RiRa's to check out Soul Patch.. That lasted about 20 minutes before we all realized we were totally bored, going deaf and that we'd all be much happier if we called it a night and went home.. It was just one of those nights where nothing "clicked" and no one was really into it.. Or maybe it was that Dani was MIA and out on a date..

It's sort of sad to see things change, you know? A month or so ago, the 3 of us were all single and deep into girl-time mode.. Now AJ has Not My Paul and Dani is spending ever increasing time with a Potential Good Guy.. *sigh*.. Sometimes it seems like we're constantly playing muscial chairs and I'm destined to be the last one standing.. Not to complain about my lot in life but it's not easy being a single mom.. Make no mistake, I love my kids and love being a mom, it is the biggest source of joy in my life, but it has been a major disappointment to see how often men shy away from me when they hear I have kids.. I really, really get tired of seeing that look of panic and hard core "fight or flight" instinct rising to the surface when I mention my boys.. They all want tidy little uncomplicated packages, wrapped neatly with a nice shiny bow.. Funny thing is, life's not like that.. On the plus side, that reaction tends to weed out those of lesser character.. If a man hasn't got the stomach to date someone because they have kids, odds are when the going gets tough, the not so tough guy will run away..

But I digress..

Sunday was church and more couch and Buffy time and then dinner and a couple of Simpson's episodes with Xander and Alex.. And then back to the Home for Sweltering Stinky Wayward Vixens.. Yep, our AC went out on Sunday.. Made for a very sweaty day of not doing much around the house..This week will be big on the Mommy time and I'm doing my last round of downtown lunches and getting ready for the weekend.. I'll be out of town Thursday night through Sunday night on The Walk to Emmaus, an intense spiritual retreat.. It's 4 days of prayer, meditation and very focused bible study.. The downside is I am not allowed have my cell phone or have access to my email the entire time I am there so I will be completely incommunicado from Thursday around 6pm until Sunday night.. No calls, no texting, nothing.. Yikes.. It's pretty likely that I will be going insane by the end of it all..

The other downside is it means that Dani and won't be celebrating our birthday until at least next week.. Yes, Gang, we will be celebrating our 29th birthday (again) this Sunday, August 7th.. I think we'll probably try to get folks together next weekend for a dinner out to celebrate.. If anyone is interested, let me know..

Have a good one, Gang..


At 3:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may be hanging out with "Potential Good Guy" but I am still VERY single. In fact, my whole theory on the term "single" is quite simple: You are single as long as you mark the box "single" on your tax returns.

Yo. Don't forget it!

xo - have a good week.

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Sunshine said...

DITTO! I concur with Miss Dani!
And about the A/C. The Home for Wayward Vixens will be cool tonight! The wonderful A/C guy I found (very honest and VERY reasonable) is fixing it AS WE SPEAK. It was struck by lightning in the last round of t-storms, so the insurance paid for a new one. WOO HOO! Missing you Roomie!


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