Sunday, August 14, 2005

Weekend Wrapup - August 14

Ever have the weekend where you can't wait to go back to work so you can rest?? This was that weekend.. Whew..

Friday night saw an amazing assembly of the Usual Suspects at the pub for post work celebratory drinks.. The cast of characters included myself, Dani, AJ, Tracey The New Guy, Emmaus Donna, Big Brother, Kansas, Jen and Rene and Marco.. As CoraBean and I used to say "We uttered the words of doom: We're just going out for a few drinks. We're going to take it easy tonight.." That almost always guarantees that we'll be out for 6-7 hours.. And so we were.. We had the best time just hanging out and talking, joking and consuming frosty adult beverages.. At one point Marco tells us that they are filming "Elimidate" somewhere on Glenwood South and we struck out to try to find the film crew.. To what end I have no idea b/c given the general boistrousness of the group, I'm fairly certain that, had we found the crew, we probably wouldn't have made it onto Elimidate, but an episode of Cops.. Lucky for us, we did not find the film crew.. We did however find ourselves at Hi5 where we proceeded to turn the side of the bar area into an episode of Dance Fever.. Big props to Kansas and Marco for being willing to be our dance monkeys for the night.. After Hi5 there was a quick drive-by at the pub for the requisite O-Bombs and then my beloved roomie took our silly butts home.. And a good time was had by all..

Various Weekend Quotes:

"Man boobs".. "Man boobs?".. "Yep, A-cups, but still man boobs.."

"Gina said I don't have to count him b/c of the 5 second rule. If it lasted less than 5 seconds, you don't have to count it"

"I think I might have a date tonight.." "You think? How does that work?".. "It's possible I made a date after that last O-Bomb.. And there's a new name in my cellphone.. I now have a 'Dude' in my phone".. "So you might have a date with someone named Dude, but you're not sure".. "That appears to be the situation.."

"You're double-booked??.. Damn.. That's tricky stuff, slick.. I'm so proud of you.."

"Recon lap complete. We have a zero Ex-factor situation. We are ready for 'go' status.. Let's engage.."

Saturday saw many of us nursing a tender noggin and generally being sort of lazy.. My day was spent surfing the couch.. then AJ, myself, Friendster Brad and Good Will Hunting headed out to have a little post birthday dinner at Bogarts.. The atmosphere and company were delightful but I gotta say, my entree was lousy.. You should probably avoid the shrimp and grits.. Post dinner we did a drink or two at the pub and then AJ and I headed home for a classic rommate moment.. We got ready for bed while chatting about the weekend and then decided to climb into my pimped up bed and watch our favorite mindless chick flick The Sweetest Thing.. Down, Kansas, it was just a movie in our jammies..

Quiet week ahead.. Week 2 of my new job.. The kids last week of summer.. and my mission trip fundraiser will be held next Sunday.. I really hope to see loads of shining faces in the congregation..

As summer is drawing to a close, I look back and have to say, we've had a great time.. The ladies of Team Single have spent countless hours talking, laughing and being an essential source of support as we navigate the often treacherous dating terrain.. I want to issue a disclaimer about some of the things found on my blog.. I tend to emphasize the more out there, off the wall and off color things that happen.. Honestly folks, the vast majority of our time is spent hanging out, watching TV and just talking as women do.. Not every moment of our lives resembles a Sex and the City episode.. Frankly, we're just 3 smart, good hearted women who are hoping to find someone who loves us that we can love back.. Everything else, well, that's just garnish..

Big thanks to CoraBean, AJ and Dani for your unending patience lately.. I love you guys..


At 9:19 AM, Blogger Sunshine said...

Awwwww... That was awesome! You don't have to thank me. I enjoy being the "wind beneath your wings." LOL I'm so corny... But seriously. I don't know what I'd do without you guys either. It's awesome to have such kindred spirits in your world. Although we may all just end up inhabiting the "Home for Wayward Vixens" as heterosexual lifemates, it's nice to be collectively hopeful and supportive of each other day in and day out.

At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your comparison of our lives to those of the women of "Sex and the City" (or rather lack thereof) got me thinking. An ex once referred to me as a "Modern Woman." What hell does THAT mean?

Hmmm- then I read this post on the apesheet, and I am feeling much better, thanks:

"Modern Woman" - this is a tough one. The word "modern" can mean many things and often does. Synonyms drawn from this ubiquitous word are in the billions. To most, I believe "modern" means "edgy." But the question still remains, what the hell does "edgy" mean? When one is asked who they deem to be a modern woman, he is more than likely going to submit to you the names of one or more of the women on the television show "Sex in the City." So by this definition, the translation for the term is: HOOKER. (because I think it's a nicer word than "slut").

And yes, Jennifer, I always do listen to the voices in my head thankyouverymuch...

P.S. - I will always mutter the words "fuckin Mary" each and every time I decide it's a good idea to down a O-Bomb. Props to you Mary Mary - I'll miss you....Good luck finding what you are looking for in the Big City - and more importantly, thanks for introducing me to the O-Bomb, the most delicious "treat" ever!!

At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had I known you wished to waste a portion of your precious 15 Minutes of Fame on Elimidate I would have hooked you up. I did the location scouting and scheduling for the last 10 episodes they filmed here in Raleigh... I'll keep ya'll in mind for the next time they are in town...


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