Sunday, August 21, 2005

Friday Night, the Purse Party and More Kansas Travelogue

Friday started off with me "working from home" which later became "working from Stool Pigeons" with Ken.. You gotta love the age of wireless networks.. I think we both agreed that it was a very productive day and that we accomplished alot during our team meeting..

Dani picked me up on her way home from work and we spent a little QT friend time before we traipsed off to downtown.. Overall a very tame and quiet night, just a few beers and we were headed home by 10:30..

Saturday was the Purse Party, Part 2.. Jenny Barnes once again did a great job and everyone was impressed.. I'm already toting my new fabulous multi-striped kate spade bag.. Thanks to all the ladies who showed up..

Saturday night was a BBQ with the fam and a quick drive-by for a party at LaLa's house.. Sorry I couldn't stay longer.. I had to prepare for the fundraiser tonight.. Hope to see everyone there, look for the detailed wrap-up tomorrow..

And, yet another communique from Kansas... As I suspected, he's living it up, chanting and sucking back chutney Squishy's..

His reply to the Fundraiser Reminder:

Obviously unless teleportation is invented in the next few days I will miss the event. But I do intend to contribute.

Alanis and Allah have thus far blessed my journey, though I know I've been stung by at least 3 mosquitos (those rat bastards) and am sure to come down with the mongolian flu or some nonsense shortly.

Last night I got into an argument with some natives and a highly liberal jag-off from San Francisco if you can frigen believe it. Yes apparently Americans are the devil and responsible for everything social ill committed in human history. I tried to explain that we weren't around during the Crusades and had nothing to do with fixing the famed tag team wrestling match between Buddha/Jesus and Allah/Mel...(a shop owner of little or no significance). Turns out they weren't really upset about the fixing as much as the fact that this Mel character was picked over the physically backward Triad of Hindu gods. Apparently not getting selected on the playground of the eternal was a very big deal, even then. With nothing else to do, this trifecta of spiritual dorks were made to carry decrative pom poms and devise humiliatingly trite cheers for members of the opposing teams. You know, things like... "That's all right, that's okay, your turban's from Kmart anyway."

Well, having completed the day's work I am off to buy flowing ropes and chant. I think the mantra for today will be an excerpt from an old Police song "ah doo doo doo, ah da da da"

Asa lamma later

I suspect he has been spending time at the opium den of iniquity but, hey, who am I to judge.. My advice to him was "Don't take any wooden rupees"..

And in response to a few of the "non-local" List-ers who were curious, no, Kansas and I are not dating... Yes we tried it once but he's a neurotic, germ-phobic athiest and I'm a missonary with 2 kids, so alas, it was not meant to be... We're "just friends", a dangerous, dodgy laughter filled territory of relationships which includes such classic dialog as "You really do mean the world to me and you know I love you dearly, but can I date your roommate?".. I like to think we have a genuine love and respect for each other that transcends the bullshit of dating and is blissfully content just getting on each other's nerves..

Have a good one, Gang..


At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

loving this..."Dani picked me up ...Overall a very tame and quiet night, just a few beers and we were headed home by 10:30..."

hahha - funny stuff...


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