Thursday, November 17, 2005

Weekend Wrap-Up and Looking Ahead..

What a wild and wooly week and I don’t think the coming weekend is looking much slower..

So the Vixens went out last Friday night for a quick beer and ended up staying for “tee many Martooni’s.”. In all honesty, I think those who would best enjoy a rendition of “Fear and Loathing In Raleigh” already heard the tales on Saturday night and if you really want to see what kind of madness we get into, you’re just going to have to come out, get on the Vixen Party Train and hold on for dear life like the rest of us..

I will leave you with a few tantalizing details and allow you to connect the dots:

There were many, many rounds of Evil Monkey Martini’s

All 3 of us were either hit on, asked out on a date or asked for our phone number at one point during the evening.

There was some singing involved.

There was no nudity but a very high level of profanity and frivolity

2 pub bartenders got smooched (but I won’t say which or by whom)

Someone got lost going to Cody’s for takeout Chinese (as in the place right behind the pub).

There may have been a Carolina Panthers Cheerleader moment (or 3)

We all ended up going home separately and ALONE (gotta clear our good names here..)

I ended up with an extra phone at the end of the night

Other than that it was a relatively tame night, we all got home alive and it was just another Friday night in Raleigh

Saturday saw AJ and I prepping for our party with very tender noggins.. If it hadn’t been for the fact that we didn’t think we could actually get in touch with the 15 people we invited in time, we probably would have cancelled it. As it was, we rallied and got the house clean and I prepped dinner.. We had Coconut Curry Chicken Kabobs, Ginger Soy Marinated Beef Kabobs with homemade Peanut Satay Sauce and a cold balsamic marinated green bean salad with almonds. We also had fabulous mini appetizers to start with and Orgasmic Brownies for dessert, compliments of Merritt… Good turnout, all the Usual Suspects plus a few extra faces.. Nina and Billy, JD, Mikey and a special late night appearance by Stunt Cock (Sorry, Babe, once you’re given a nick-name, you’re stuck with it.. Just ask Kansas..). JD took tons of video of all of us making total fools of ourselves, including the Suspects Kareoke-ing to “Paradise by the Dashboard Light”, Kansas and Big Brother pulling “A Night at the Roxbury” on me and AJ and I singing well and proudly to “You’re Too Big to Fit In Here!” from The Sweetest Thing Soundtrack.. Ah yes, good times, my friends, good times.. We wound it down around 12:30 with me on the sofa watching an edited “8 Mile” in my SpongeBob jammies and AJ headed back downtown with Stunt Cock for post party drinks at Bogart’s.. She asked if I wanted to come with.. My reply: “Not for a million trillion kajillion dollars could you get me off this couch or to show my face on Glenwood South tonight..”.. Ergo, sleepy-time..

This weekend should be a damn busy one.. I’ll be going to see Walk the Line, the Johnny Cash bio-pic on Friday night, should anyone want to join me.. I love me some Johnny Cash.. He’s my hero.. This was a man who struggled with human weakness but never lost his faith in the Lord.. Saturday will see me going to get Oz fixed up (his splash guard is dragging the ground AGAIN!!), taking Zack to see Harry Potter in the early evening and then heading downtown to The Bar Formerly Known as RiRa’s to see The Complaint’s, one of my favorite bands.. They really need a good crowd to impress the new owners of Napper Tandy's (RiRa's new name) so please come on down and join me for a great night on the town..

Great also means tame as in no wild adult beverage consumption because...

Sunday, I am being confirmed and officially joining Christ Episcopal Church.. This is a very exciting transition for me and I would like to issue a personal invitation to any and all who are local to come and attend the service and be there to support me.. Nothing would make me happier than to see some of my Beloved Suspects out there as I take this very monumental step on my spiritual path.. I haven’t “joined” a church since 1980 when I was confirmed at Wesley UMC.. This is a huge, huge, huge spiritual commitment for me to become Episcopalian and to leave my family’s church to become an active member of this congregation. I am very excited about it and am already very immersed in the parish life through EFM, Stephen Ministry, St. Bridget’s ECW, Great Wednesdays and Dinners for Eight.. Please come help celebrate this spiritual commitment with me.

And to celebrate nothing in particular, The Suspects and Company will be assembling at Bufflao’s on Creedmoor Road for wings and beer before we make the trek out to the RBC Center to attend the Cane’s vs. Lightning hockey game.. So far we’ve got 7 of us going so it should be a fantastic time..

Dang, now that’s a full weekend..

Have a good one, Gang…


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