Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Festive Festivities

What a lovely holiday!

Christmas Eve was a wonderful, family filled day! My sister's family joined us by about 8:00am and the kids proceeded to just go absolutely wild on us, as they are supposed to.. I decided to take my own advice and the boys and I baked a batch of cookies that we took to the firestation that serves our neighborhood.. We dropped them by and I made the boys say "Thank You and Merry Christmas" to the firefighters working there.. It was really great, too.. 2 of the guys that were working took us into the station and let the boys climb on the fire truck, turn on the lights, try on helmets and check out the gear.. I thought it was really neat that they let them do that.. They actually asked if we wanted to join them for lunch but we had to decline as the family was waiting on us.. I have to say I was very impressed.. These were some genuinely nice guys who were really great with the kids.. I think Zack is actually considering the whole fire-fighting as a career at this point..

On a completely non-holiday related note, I am curious about something.. Does the RFD require all candidates to submit a head shot and modeling portfolio when they apply?? Because, damn.. I went home and asked my dad if we could start a fire, you know, just a small one that wouldn't really damage the house but might require a visit from the fire department?? Kidding.. I have not yet sunk to arson as a method for meeting men.. Yet.. It was funny, tho.. It completely remindedme of that episode from Sex and The City where Miranda asks "Why are fire men all so damn cute?? Is it the hero thing??".. Carrie points out "Well, first off, there's a weight limit.." All kidding aside, it is nice to meet men you can label "A Good Guy", married, single, engaged, it's really irrelevant.. These are a bunch of guys whose whole job is to be ready to be a hero and save lives.. That's kinda cool..

But I digress..

After the cookie trip with the boys it was time for our annual Father Daughter Holiday Bonding Experience.. Each year my dad, my sister and I all go get pedicures to celebrate the birth of Christ.. Usually, my dad sticks to a natural pedicure but this year, we talked him into something a little different.. Green and Red.. My dad rocks.. You gotta admit, it's got style..

The rest of the day was stock and standard, the kids got way too much stuff as usual.. We opened presents and sang Christmas carols.. We're really very Walton-esque at Christmas.. I got a new bathrobe and slippers, a gift card to get a massage, gift card for skin care at Belk's, new cookware and new plates, dishes and bowls (I think the family is trying to give me a hint).. The boys got me a gift certificate for PF Chang's and 2 tickets to see Chicago in January.. Alex came over after dinner with the family and we got the boys to bed and then had to get "Santa" set up... 2 1/2 hours and a bottle of wine later and we were done..

The boys got up in the morning and were delighted in everything Santa left, including the CSI Fingerprint Kit for Zack so he can stay out of Mommy's make-up from now on.. After a leaisurely morning watching movies and playing with toys, the boys were off to their Dad's for Christmas, The Sequel.. And I headed over to AJ's to prepare for the massive feast-ivities..

There was a fantastic turnout.. Me, AJ, Jenny Barnes, Kansas, Big Brother, Jim, JD, Geoff, Debbie, Vixen-in-Training Kellie and even Alex and Xander stopped by for an hour or so.. It was a wonderful night filled with laughter, wine, friendship and eventually Kareoke.. Don't ask.. However, I am making the Official Vixen Proclamation that JD is no longer invited unless he leaves his camera at home.. Yikes.. Miss Kellie, yes, you are officially a Vixen in Training.. You've definitely got the right stuff, babe..

Hope everyone else had a fantastic holiday and that you're all well rested and ready to start the New Year off with a bang! Sadly, Dani will be out of town for New Year's, but she will be sorely missed, just as she was at the Christmas Hootenanny Cavalcade of Holiday Fun, Food and Festivities..

New Year's Resolutions... Mine? The first draft includes:

Go back to Hot Yoga on a regular basis
Plan my next mission trip to Romania
Cook more for my kids and do less take out
Buy my own frikkin' house
Take at least one vacation out of Raleigh
Find my "White Pony", after all, I think I've learned my lessons..
(That last one's for you, AJ..)

Have a good one, Gang..


At 11:41 AM, Blogger Monet said...

Big Brother Override - DENIED

Sorry, babe.. I'm tired of seeing private momeents of insanity being made public.. Or having the potential to be made public.. Or public moment's we're less than proud of the next day being preserved forever.. It's hurtful to me.. It's one thing for a few nice group photos at the beginning of a night out or some harmless candid snapshots but I'm just really not keen on having people's drunk moments made public.. Especially ones that make me look like an idiot.. Thanks, I already do a good enough job of that already, I really, REALLY don't need anymore help.. I really should not have to worry that what I and my friends do in the privacy of my home (or rather, AJ's home) will be shared with a bunch of people that I don't know, just because they know JD..

I again assert, we need JD to put the camera down and join us.. Because in the future, sorry babe, but when the camera comes out, Jenn goes home..

At 3:26 PM, Blogger Sunshine said...

Awwwwww... I'm looking for my White Pony too! (and you know I always love a good shout out.)
For anyone curious about the illusive White Pony, I suggest renting the movie "Dirty Love." For all its over-the-top hillarity, there's stuff in there everyone can appreciate.
Happy Holidays to all. 2006 will be a new start for all of us!


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